Cookie Policy


Cookies play a significant role in enhancing user experience on the web. When you visit our website, cookies are used to collect certain data and help improve the functionality and performance of our services. However, we prioritize your privacy and ensure that cookies are only used with your explicit consent, especially if they are not essential to the basic functioning of our website.

1.1 Use of Cookies on Our Website

Our website makes use of cookies to optimize your browsing experience. These small data files help us track your activity on the site and allow us to offer a more tailored experience.

1.2 Consent for Non-Essential Cookies

Cookies that are not strictly necessary for the core operation of our website will only be activated after you provide your consent. When you first visit our site, you will be asked to agree to the use of non-essential cookies, ensuring you are in control of your data preferences.


This cookie policy has been created using a template from BCIC, tailored to fit the specific needs and functionalities of our website.

About Cookies

3.1 What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small files containing an identifier – a string of letters and numbers – that are sent by a web server to your web browser. These cookies are stored on your browser and sent back to the server whenever you load a page. This allows the server to recognize you and remember your preferences, helping create a seamless browsing experience.

3.2 Types of Cookies: Persistent and Session

Cookies can either be “persistent” or “session-based.”

  • Persistent cookies are saved by your browser and remain valid until their pre-set expiry date, unless you manually delete them before that date. These cookies are useful for retaining information over multiple browsing sessions, such as login credentials or language preferences.
  • Session cookies, on the other hand, are temporary. They only last for the duration of your browsing session and are automatically deleted once you close your web browser. These cookies help with functions such as maintaining your login status or storing temporary selections while navigating a website.

3.3 Cookies and Personal Information

While cookies typically do not contain any personal information on their own, they can be linked to the data you provide to us. For example, information like your username, preferences, or previous actions on our site may be associated with cookies to streamline your experience. However, we do not use cookies to store sensitive personal information without your knowledge and consent.

Cookies That We Use

4.1 Our website employs cookies for several purposes, including:

  • Authentication: We use cookies to recognize you whenever you visit our site and navigate through different pages. This ensures you stay logged in if you’ve previously authenticated yourself.
  • Analysis: Analytical cookies help us understand how users interact with our website, such as which pages are most popular and how long visitors stay. This data helps us improve our website and services for a better user experience.
  • Cookie Consent: These cookies store your preferences regarding the use of cookies. For example, if you agree or decline certain cookies, we use this data to ensure your preferences are applied whenever you visit the site.

Cookies Used by Our Service Providers

5.1 Third-Party Cookies

In addition to the cookies we directly use, our service providers may also place cookies on your device when you visit our website. These third-party cookies may track usage data, help with analytics, or assist in delivering tailored content or advertisements. For example, cookies from analytics services help us gather aggregate data about site performance and user behavior. These third-party cookies are governed by the respective service providers’ privacy policies, which you may want to review for more detailed information on how they use your data.